Welcome to the 2025 Flexible Spending Account Plans
- Healthcare Annual Election $3300
- Dependent Care Annual Election $5000
- Transit Monthly Election $325
- Parking Monthly Election $325
** March 31, 2025 is the last day to submit claims for expenses incurred in 2024. **
* There is no grace or carryover for Dependent Care (DCAP).
* Healthcare FSA will carryover up to $640. Just announced, the carryover from 2025 to 2026 is $660.
* Qualified Transportation will carryover the full balance.
Be sure to keep your confirmation of claims submitted.
How do I find out my 2025 balance?
[Please Note: This site is best viewed in Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge browsers. Internet Explorer is not supported]
Dependent Care FSA Qualifications
FSA Participant Benefits
Healthcare FSA Eligible Expenses
DC-FSA Eligible Expenses
Commuter Benefits
2024 Commuter SPD
2024 FSA SPD
TASC Mobile App Guide
MyCash Account Education
How to Access Your Account
Request a Reimbursement
Participant Reference Guide
TASC Dependent Care Contract
Orthodontia Worksheet & Instructions
Direct Deposit Authorization
Letter of Medical Necessity
Dependent Care Reimbursement Form

FSA - Healthcare
A great way to save up to 30% on eligible expenses like copays, prescriptions, and medical supplies.

DCFSA - Dependent Care
Pay for eligible dependent care expenses like preschool, before/after school programs, and childcare.

Parking, Commuter & Transit
Save up to 40% on qualified work-related transportation expenses, such as public transit, Lyft Plus, and parking.
Are you a new hire in 2025?
Review the information below and above for your eligibility
Email osc.ebu@ct.gov for more information and an Enrollment Form
- Review the materials above to learn about the benefits of enrolling and the eligible expenses.
- The FSA plans are administered on a calendar year.
- You have 31 days from your hire date to enroll.
- The FSA benefit(s) begin the date in which you sign the enrollment form ** Email osc.ebu@ct.gov for the enrollment form. Complete, sign/date and email it back to osc.ebu@ct.gov **
- If you are interested in enrolling into the Dependent Care plan, keep in mind that the $5000 election is a CALENDAR year election for single and married filing jointly taxpayers; married filing separately is $2500. If you have participanted in 2025, any new election with the State of CT must be calculated minus previous contributions/deductions.
- As a new participant, a TASC debit card will be mailed to your home to use to pay for your qualified expenses. You must obtain and retain a receipt/documentation to substantiate the expense if TASC requests.
- Upon enrollment, you will receive a welcome email from TASC. Upon receipt, create your TASC Account (use the Login button at the top and click on First Time User). Your username is the email address from the welcome email.
- You have until 12/31/2025 to incur your services to use your FSA funds (as long as you remain an active employee contributing to the plan). The Healthcare FSA has a carryover of up to $660 that would move to your 2026 Healthcare FSA (as long as you remain active). Carryover balances automatically move to the new plan year.
- Dependent Care will not carryover. Any unused funds will be forfeited.
- The deadline to submit 2025 incurred expenses for reimbursement, if you paid out of pocket, is March 31, 2026. You will need to submit a claim with complete documentation.
We're here to help
Can’t find what your are looking for? Get in touch to ask our expert team a question on anything from enrollment to benefit account details.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, all time zones
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you submit your claims (online, mobile, faxing or mail) please be sure to check your account to insure the claim has been entered within 10 days of being sent.